Programming, Web Development, Augmented / Virtual Reality, Internet of Things, Wearables & More.
ADT Alarm Service and Installation Review: Overpriced Liars and Unskilled Technicians
My house was ransacked 4 weeks ago. I usually work from my home office and the one day I left home I...
Social Music Review: TurnTable, Google Music, and Spotify
In the past 4 months or so, Social Music has been at the forefront of my day. Honestly, most of it is...
Google+ in Gmail = Gmail+ A Match Made in Heaven
Gmail+, that’s what it is! An amazing mashup of services. Now I can check my social media updates...
Google+ “Nearby”, What Latitude + Buzz Should Have Been
Google+ on Android is amazing. It has a feature called “Nearby” that lets you see a public...
How to Move Your Website without Losing SEO Rankings: A Records, 301’s and Not Taking BS From Your Designer
Recently in a twitter conversation with @Rocktique and @Own_Your_Future. It was brought to my attention...
Reset TCP/IP and Winsock in Windows – Fix your Broken Internet and Local Network Connections
The following are two of the most handy commands I have come across for repairing PC’s: These are...
Tweet Share Like Plus One +1 Modified for Individual Networks
This Tweet, Like, Google +1 and Share Plugin for Wordpress by “Let Us Buzz” @letusbuzz came...
Esotech – Latest Developments
Although it has been around for three or four years, since March of 2011, my company, Esotech Inc. has...
Updating WordPress on Fedora using SSH2 Protocol
This is the missing link for you Fedora Users, without this package installed you will not even see the...
SEO Web Re Design and Re Development – Is It Always Needed?
An excellent Post by Search Engine Land writer Evan LaPointe: Stop Treating Your Website Like A Broken...